It’s Amazing by Jem on My Love Playlist

This is one of my favorite go-to songs for a quick me up! So inspiring!! I always want everything NOW, but it doesn’t work that way! But if we can just find songs like this that remind us to just keep going and keep doing what we’re doing, we can accomplish what we’re dreaming about. Walt Disney said:

The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting.

Do it now

You know you are

You feel it in your heart

And your burning and wishin’

It’s Amazing helped me follow my dream of finding real love after divorce

At 1st wait, it won’t be on a plate

Your gonna work for it harder and harder

And I know cause I’ve been there before

Knockin’ on door with rejection (rejection)

And you’ll see cause if it’s meant to be

Nothing can compare to deserving your dream

It’s amazing, it’s amazing all that you can do

It’s amazing turning dreams into a reality.

It’s amazing it makes my heart sing

Now it’s up to you

Patience now frustration in the air

And people who don’t care

Well its gonna get you down

And you’ll fall (fall)

Yes you will hit a wall

Get back up on your feet

And you’ll be stronger and smarter

My Love Playlist made me stronger and ready for love

And I know I’ve been there before

Knockin’ on door won’t take no for an answer

And you’ll see cause if it’s meant to be

Nothing can compare to deserving your dream

It’s amazing, it’s amazing all that you can do

It’s amazing it makes my heart sing

Now its up to you


It’s amazing, it’s amazing all that you can do

It’s amazing it makes my heart sing

Now it’s up to you

It’s amazing, it’s amazing all that you can do

It’s amazing it makes my heart sing

Now it’s up to you

It’s Amazing gave me inspiration

It’s amazing what we can do if we just keep going! A relationship goal is just like any other goal. If you have a desire in our heart to have a great partner, and you find ways to believe you can find love after divorce, I know you can! If you want to see the entire love playlist, I put it all on Spotify for you! Please follow along and add to it if you have an awesome song that’s uplifting! And if you’d like more tips and strategies for attracting your soulmate, please follow me on Instagram! And sign up below for my newsletter for weekly inspiration.

Wishing you lots of love and happy music!



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