Create Today


Where There’s A Willa There’s A Way With Willa Knudsen (Mom)

Episode 68

I had so much fun interviewing my parents that I asked them to come back for round two, and this time I interviewed them individually. When I interview my parents on my podcast it’s mostly just for our family to watch and treasure for decades to come. And I’m so excited to share them with anyone else who loves history and who loves learning from amazing humans with over 8 decades of experience and wisdom. I asked more questions that I’ve never asked my mom and heard even more incredible stories that I’ve never heard about her life. Willa was born in 1941, and she talks all about growing up in the 40s and 50s, her engagement and marriage to my dad in 1961, and raising 11 children living all over the world because of my dad’s Air Force career. Once she ran for student council and coined the phrase, “Where there’s a Willa there’s a way!” so obviously that had to be the title! She’s my hero and the most incredible woman I’ve ever met. Love you so much mama!

So My Husband Went To Prison With Danielle Bradford

Episode 67

Danielle and I met when we were both 14 years old. We became immediate best friends and were friends ever since. We’ve had amazing adventures and could tell you stories for days. I’ve been begging her for two years to come do my show.

Back in 2007 or 2008 when I thought Danielle was living her dream life as a stay at home mom raising three kids, she was blindsided when she found the FBI was investigating her husband for fraud. I was separated and going through my divorce, and I’ll never forget when I got a phone call from Danielle saying she was going to be a single mom now. We were both going to be single moms. I listened in disbelief as she told me that her husband was in jail and sentenced to 17 years in prison. I saw her a few times on her trips to visit him at the AZ prison with the kids. And then, as life does, we didn’t speak much for a few years. Then I saw on Facebook that she was remarried. I asked her to come share her insane and inspirational story. She completely started over and rebuilt her life in a new city. She went back to school, became a nurse, and eventually divorced her convicted, criminal husband, and married the love of her life. Her resiliency and ability to go through incredible challenges with love and laughter is unmatched. Laugh and cry as you follow along her incredible journey.

The Power Of Changing Your Stories With Dr. Jonathan Gregoire

Episode 66

I’m so excited to share this week’s episode with you as my guest is my long-time friend, Dr. Jonathan Gregoire. Jonathan is an esteemed pianist, organist, composer, and coach, and his journey has led him to realize that true fulfillment comes intrinsically. Initially driven by external validation through his extensive training, he came to recognize the path he was “supposed” to take as a professional musician did not bring the fulfillment he wanted, and he decided to rewrite his own narrative of success in the arts.

Live with Passion and Purpose with Karen Thomson

Episode 65

Karen Thomson is a remarkable woman who has overcome addiction, opened her own rehabilitation centers, she is a mom of two and also authored the book “Sugar-Free: 8 Weeks To Freedom From Sugar And Carb Addiction”. While she was running the rehab centers and helping people get sober, she realized that while they were getting sober from substances, they fell into a new addiction: sugar. Her powerful message is that we have the power to make healthy choices—free from ANY sort of addiction—and create a purpose-driven life, starting right now!

What If RTT Doesn’t Work?

Episode 64

What if RTT doesn’t work? What if you “can’t be hypnotized?” Well, kids, it is possible that it won’t “work.” There are no guarantees, obviously. RTT is not the end-all and be-all method. But in this episode we explore what may be behind those questions and doubts and perhaps how to look at RTT in a variety of ways. That is the miracle behind this method. Allowing ourselves to explore what happens when we redefine the events in our past. What if we can identify and understand where, when, and how we developed our core beliefs and what happens if we look at them in a different way? What if changing our core beliefs that are locked into our subconscious mind can help us create the calm, confidence, peace, and joy that we are longing to create in our lives?

I also talk about what hypnosis is and what it feels like. And what hypnosis is not. I propose that the more important question is: what if RTT does work? What would your life look like if you found something that helped you create more calm and more peace in daily life? What would your life look like if you were less triggered by the things that really have been bothering you for a long time? What would your life look like if you were able to shed that habit you’ve been trying to break? I guess that’s four questions. I hope you enjoy!

Design Your Business Roadmap to Success with Stephanie Austin

Episode 63

This episode is all about helping business owners fine-tune their strategies and create success! Stephanie Austin is a mom, wife, business consultant, and CEO of Philo Solutions. For over a decade, Stephanie was the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, simultaneously dealing with several autoimmune disorders and even going through back surgery! She has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience not only in her career but in her personal life. In this episode, she teaches us actions to take to help our businesses thrive and how to balance those successes with our own well-being. Learn from Stephanie how to be a better leader, take control of your business game plan, and create your dream business, starting one day at a time.



Where There’s A Willa There’s A Way With Willa Knudsen (Mom)

So My Husband Went To Prison With Danielle Bradford

Live with Passion and Purpose with Karen Thomson

Fresh & Fired Up

Attract the One w/ Mrs. Karen Stanley

Are you looking to make deeper connections? This powerful interview with Karen Stanley will help you become intentional about who you want to attract into your life. Karen is an author, coach, hypnotherapist and the host of the Create Today Podcast. Find Karen on Instagram @karenstanleycoaching or at her website for a ton of great resources including a copy of her book “attract the one”. This interview will be encouraging and definitely a must listen!

Moms Moving On

The Important Lessons We Learn From Our Exes

Michelle Dempsey-Multack, MS, CDS and Karen discuss how we can shift our perspective, take the lessons we learned from our relationships, and move on to create the relationships we truly desire.

Beyond the Image

Grow Your Network to Grow Your Net Worth with Karen Stanley

In today’s episode, I interview Karen Stanley about why we need to cultivate the best relationships; not only with others, but also with ourselves. And how these relationships can improve our business.