My Love Playlist – Only Love by Wynonna Judd

“Only Love” by Wynonna Judd is a staple in my family. Do you and your siblings have similar favorite songs? We do. We’ve been singing this since it was released when I was in High School. Funny, I had never DREAMED of listening to country music until I moved to Texas. Now I love it! This song has the lyrics that keep me focused on what really matters, only love. When I didn’t have a boyfriend and I felt a little sad or lonely, or when I thought it was too late to find love, I put on my love playlist. I could focus on all the love I had right in that moment, not the lack of romantic love. I had love from my children, my friends, my parents, my sisters! Once I decided to listen only to songs with lyrics that kept me focused on what I wanted to CREATE, which was true love, I felt better every day. I felt happier for no reason. I found reasons to find love again after years of dating (and not dating) as a single mom. I believe that what you listen to matters. What you surround yourself with affects you even if you don’t realize it.

Only Love by Wynonna Judd

Lyrics from Only Love by Wynnona Judd helped me find love after 40

I have sailed a boat or two

Out on the wild blue

Yonder to dreams that rarely come true

As far as I can see

From the island of green

I can put my trust in just one thing

Listening to My Love Playlist gave me reasons to find love agin

And only love sails straight from the harbor

And only love will lead us to the other shore

Out of all the flags I’ve flown

One flies high and stands alone

Only love

Only Love by Wynonna Judd helped me find true love

Peaceful waters, raging sea

It’s all the same to me

I can close my eyes and still be free

When the waves come crashing down

And the thunder rolls around

I can feel my feet on solid ground

And only love sails straight from the harbor

And only love will lead us to the other shore

Out of all the flags I’ve flown

One flies high and stands alone

Only love

Eliminating negative songs, creating my love playlist, and listening to music and lyrics that aligned with my desires and dreams exclusively was one part of my incredible journey to finding the true love that I now know I deserve. And you deserve to find love, too! I believe lyrics matter. I believe what you watch and listen to and put into your brain affects you positively or negatively – and when I made this switch, I found one of the secrets to finding love. and as a side effect, I felt happier and felt more joy for no reason. It’s a win win!

#ReasonstoFindLoveAgain #HowtoFindLoveafter40 #attractyoursoulmate #Loveafter40 #FindLoveAfterDivorce #MyLovePlaylist #FindLoveAgain

