You have the potential to create the life you’ve always wanted.
Your past has nothing to do with your future. If you had a terrible Christmas last year, that means nothing for this year. If you had a terrible marriage, that means nothing. If you’ve suffered a break-up, that event does not determine your future. They are our greatest teachers. I listened to this song a thousand times when I was hiking alone, visualizing over and over again what I wanted my life to look like and what I wanted my (future) marriage to be like. I’ve experienced the power of visualization. I spent too long looking at my past for “proof” that a relationship like the one I wanted wasn’t possible. I got crystal clear on what I really wanted to create by compiling all the lessons from all the teachers I’d ever dated. And constantly visualizing led to believing that it’s on its way…which led to attracting it.
These lyrics helped reaffirm that my vision was the most important thing. Not anyone else’s. My vision for what I wanted to create in my life was unique to me, and I didn’t have any experiences from the past to show me that it would be possible. I just had a vision.
I had a vision of my husband playing in the backyard with my kids. I had a vision that my husband would put on a suit and go kick ass every day, show my kids what hard work looks like and what it takes to create the life of your dreams. I had a vision that we would take trips together, as a family and as a couple, where we would go, what we would do. I had a vision that we would hike together and read books together.
I hadn’t experienced any of those things in my past. I had never had a boyfriend or husband who hiked with me or read books with me. That life I wanted had nothing to do with my past. That life I wanted was only created in my mind. Until it was my reality. Our own unique visions are put in our hearts because they are meant to be for us! When love was the feeling. I kept playing that movie in my mind over and over again. And now that is my reality. When John called me for the first time, I was talking to my mom on the phone about him. We hadn’t even gone on a date yet. There was no indecision. I didn’t ask anyone for advice. I just told my friends he was the one.
“My Vision” by Seal
I know there’s just no changing the way I feel.
I feel like the sun
I feel like the rain
I feel like I just found reason for living again
‘Cause what I’ve been dreaming
I know that it’s real
I know there’s just no changing the way I feel
And I have a secret
I think you should know
I feel like I just can’t keep it
It’s deep within me and I know that it’s out of control
Can you see my vision
Of a red hot summer in white
When love was the feeling?
There’s no indecision
We were turning that key inside
To get in the moment
Of a red hot summer in white when love was the feeling?
We live in a dream
I see you today
I feel like all my fears are fading away
And I have a secret I think you should know
I feel like I just can’t keep it
It’s deep within me and I know that it’s out of control
Can you see my vision
Of a red hot summer in white
When love was the feeling?
There’s no indecision
We were turning that key inside
To get in the moment
Can you see my vision
Of a red hot summer in white
When love was the feeling?
When love was the feeling?
When love was the feeling?
When love was the feeling?
We live in a dream, I see you today, I feel like all my fears are fading away.
I have a secret
I think you should know
I feel like I just can’t keep it
It’s deep within me and I feel like I’m losing control
Can you see my vision
Of a red hot summer in white
When love was the feeling?
There’s no indecision
We were turning that key inside
To get in the moment
Can you see my vision
Of a red hot summer in white
When love was the feeling?
When love was the feeling?
When love was the feeling?
Oh what a feeling
This song is the perfect example of using this playlist as a tool to help you keep the vision alive in your mind every day. Keep the focus on what you want your life to look like. Keep doing the things alone as if your beloved was right there with you. Use tools like music to help you stay the course. No matter what happens. What what you’re dreaming is real.
Wishing you all the best,
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