
Creating Harmony
I love the analogy of an orchestra because I played cello in orchestras for years. I miss it! The cello’s job was mostly accompaniment. If

Turning Dreams Into Memories
What’s your favorite memory? I think I was talking about hiking and my friend said, “Wow, you’re really goal-oriented, aren’t you?” I thought that was

That didn’t go how I wanted
That pretty much sums up 2020, doesn’t it? Sure didn’t go how I “wanted” it to go. Well, neither did Christmas. Funny, I just wrote

Finding Moments to Cherish
“I wish I would’ve let myself be happier.” I just heard about the study that a nurse, Bronnie Ware, did…she visited thousands of patients on

From Surviving to Thriving during the Holidays
I know the holidays can be tough, especially for single moms. Sharing our kids and splitting up the time is difficult especially if you’re as

Everything Is Created By Tiny Steps
Take that tiny step! As I’m still coming out of my food coma from last Thanksgiving week, I’m marveling at how everything is determined by

Expressing Gratitude 365 Days A Year
It’s been amazing to see my timeline filled with people expressing gratitude for what they have over the last week—using #GiveThanks. I keep thinking –

Script Your Own Life to Attract Love
I have a whole chapter in my book about how to script your own life to attract love as if you already have the husband

Cultivating Better Relationships With Your Kids
The moving brigade! Moving Day is supposed to a fun exciting day, right? Moving into a new place? Well, not in this picture. We were

Cultivating Your Relationship With God
My relationship with God throughout my life has certainly been a rollercoaster. I’ve seen both sides of the spectrum—from being a devout Christian in my

Using Dating Disasters to Attract Your Dreams
I didn’t tell very many dating disaster stories in my book, for many reasons. One, the book would have been 4,000 pages long. Second, they

Cultivating Better Relationships
This post is adapted from the Single Parent Advocate webinar I gave recently on cultivating better relationships. To be notified when the full video recording is